關於我 ︳About me

李俊峰 ︳LEE Chun Fung

李俊峰,從事藝術創作、策劃及研究工作,長期關注東亞地區的社會藝術實踐,並以出版、展覽、檔案紀錄、理論書寫等方式串聯對話。曾任社區/藝術空間「活化廳」(2011 至 2015)的召集人,現為研究項目「亞際木刻圖繪」(2019至今)及「共再生:自組識實踐檔案計劃」(2020至今)的共同發起人。


LEE Chun Fung is an artist, curator and researcher based in Hong Kong. He is the co-founder of community/art space "Woofer Ten" (2009-2015) and research collective "Inter-Asia Woodcut Mapping" (2018- ongoing).  As an artist, curator and researcher, his works explore the communal relationship in the spatial, historical, and socio-political contexts, with projects such as "Can We Lives Together?" (2015), "Cycling to the Square" (2010- ) and "Pitt Street Riot" (2015). Besides, he is interested in bridging inter-regional art/activist dialogue, with projects such as "East Asia Multitude Meeting" (2012 & 2013) and "Art/Activist-in-Residence AAiR" (2011-2015). His recent video work "Boundaries" (2019) was exhibited in Hong Kong, Taipei, Jeju, Seoul, Manila, Okinawa, Leipzig and Berlin etc.


Research interests: Urban Movement in East Asia, Self-organized Art Practices, Community Based Art, Grassroots Activism, Politics of Aesthetic, Inter-Asia Cultural Production

Medium: https://medium.com/@leefung1984