反霸拳 Counter-Hegemony Fist

反霸拳 Counter-Hegemony Fist

出版物+錄象裝置 Publication + Video Installation




如果香港是一個江湖,這裡由四大門派控制,當中包括李嘉誠的長實派,四叔的恒基派,郭氏兄弟的新鴻基和彤叔的新世界。四大門派所用武功同為江湖上惡名昭彰的「地產霸拳」。此功一出,能使中拳者不由自主地勞動工作,所得盡歸四大門派,直至被剝削至死。 一般百性手無寸鐵,必須加強內功禦。由李俊峰和龐一鳴所創的「反霸拳」結合內功與日常心法,若坊眾重覆練習,持之以恒,內化成生活習慣,將可重奪生活節奏,抵禦「地產霸拳」,打倒四大門派,指日可期。

If Hong Kong is a “Jiang Hu”, the world of gangsters, it is controlled by four major gangs, including Li Ka Shings’s Cheung Kong, Lee Shau Kee’s Henderson Land, Kwok Brothers’ Sun Hung Kai, and Cheng Yu Tung’s New World. All four gangs have been using the infamous “Land Monopoly Hegemony”. Victims attacked by this fist are doomed to be workaholic until they are dead from overwork, while their efforts will only benefit the gangs. Commoners can hardly resist such vital power, therefore we should practice “Counter-Hegemony Fist”!

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